Security Tips

Online Banking Security Tips

  • Use Alpha Numeric passwords upper and lower case letters i.e. Laptop682
  • Do not use share your password with any person
  • Change your password frequently
  • Disable Remember Password options in the Internet Browser while accessing Internet Banking systems.
  • Avoid logging into Internet Banking from public sites
  • Do not respond to emails asking for Online Banking usernames and passwords
  • Install and regularly update your anti-virus software on your computer
  • Logout of your internet banking session as soon as you finish. Do not leave your internet banking session Open and unattended
  • Periodically review your beneficiaries listed in your online baking

Credit Card Security Tips

  • Do not keep your PIN with Your Card together
  • Use an ATM alone and shield the keypad with your hand when entering your PIN
  • Change your PIN periodically
  • Do not disclose your PIN(Personal Identification Number ) to anyone
  • Never write your PIN or Password on your ATM card or Credit card. Memorize your PIN or Password
  • Report jammed, retained and lost/stolen Card immediately
  • Don’t send emails that quote your card number, expiry date, and Card verification code Value
  • Destroy old cards by cutting through the magnetic strip and chip
  • Review your Card statement to report suspicious transaction Timely

Avoid Phishing Scams

  • Don’t reply to any e-mail or SMS that requests your personal information, Card and Pin, Username and password information
  • Don’t trust the display name in the email. Do not only just check the name of the person sending you the email. Check their email address by hovering your mouse over the ‘from’ address. Make sure no alterations (like additional numbers or letters) have been made
  • Beware of the tone of the text. Attackers will use a tone that creates ofsense of urgency to entice users (e.g: Verify your account immediately, Your ATM card was Blocked, etc..).
  • Don’t directly open any links in the body of the email or SMS. Hover over the link, If the link in the text isn´t identical to the URL displayed as the cursor, that´s a sure sign you will be taken to a site you don’t want to visit
  • Don’t open any email attachments you weren’t expecting. Malicious attachment contain viruses and malware is a common phishing tactic. Malware can damage files on your computer, steal your passwords or spy on you without your knowledge

Cheques security Tips

  • Do not leave your cheque book unattended. Always keep your cheque book in a safe place.
  • Whenever you receive your cheque book, please count the number of cheque leaves in it. If there is a discrepancy, bring it to the notice of the Bank immediately
  • Record all details of cheques issued.
  • If you close your account, shred any unused cheques
  • Do not sign blank cheques or cheques written by others. Always fill in the date, the name of the receiver and the amount yourself before signing the cheque
  • Always use your own pen to protect yourself from “Magic ink Pen” Scam where the ink disappears after sometime
  • Don’t issue cheques to unknown people, sometimes fraudsters offer deals which are “too good to be true” to get a cheque sample from victims



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