HR Committee Charter


The HR Committee has been created to provide the framework to strategically manage AB's human resources
  • Ensure the key personnel processes are consistent with the strategic business goals
  • Ensure personnel processes will enable AB to have sufficient qualified people in the right jobs at all times
  • Ensure the method and the levels of compensation & other benefits to be distributed to support individuals in achieving organization goals
  • Ensure the Bank meets its social and legal obligations in promoting employment of local staff
  • HR Committee is primarily a decision making body for executing the HR related decision of the Bank within the authorities delegated from the Board
  • All decisions are to be taken by a simple majority vote. The casting vote in the event of a tie will be that of the Chair of the Committee.
  • The Composition of the HR Committee will be determined by the CEO and will include representatives of the relevant divisions
  • Other members of the management can be invited on a case by case basis; however, they will not constitute a part of HR Committee
  • The HR Committee shall meet quarterly or as required.
  • The Committee shall meet in person or telephonically, or by circulation of documents.
  • Majority of the members must be present in order for a quorum to be achieved at the meeting.

The Committee shall be responsible for:
  • Approve personnel processes
  • Review and all the key
  • Approved Manpower Planning process
  • Approved Succession Planning process
  • Approved Individual Development Planning process
  • Approved Career Path Planning process
  • Approved Performance/Potential Appraisal process
  • Approve the UAE National plans and development processes
  • Review the long-term and short-term Manpower Plan and decide the best policies to resolve shortfalls and excesses in employees
  • Recruiting policy decisions
  • Development policies decisions
  • Redeployment policy decisions
  • Review Succession Plan recommendations and decide on the Succession Candidates
  • Review and approve, Individual Development Plans for Succession Candidates
  • Review and recommend or approve transfers, promotions, etc. (level and authorities to be recommended by committee and approved by Board)
  • Review and approve Career Path Management candidates and their progress annually
  • Approve the delegation of authority of personnel decisions to the appropriate level
  • Establish compensation strategy clarifying how compensation should be used to achieve AB's goals
  • Establish how AB should position its compensation levels relative to the competition
  • Approve the specific compensation change methodology
  • Review and approve or recommend approval of compensation, benefits and bonuses (level and authorities to be recommended by committee and approved by Board)
  • Develop policies, review, and make periodic reports and recommendations to the Management committee all matters relating to HR management, policy and strategy and advise, guide and approve operational aspects of the HR department including but not limited to:
  • Recruitment
  • Terms & conditions of employment
  • Staff appraisal systems:
  • Job descriptions
  • Performance measurement
  • Job grading
  • Promotions
  • Manpower and succession planning
  • UAE National recruitment and development program
  • Staff training program
  • Career development program
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